Friday, February 22, 2019

2019 Snow Pocalypse

This year started out here in the Pacific Northwest with quite a mild fall and winter.  We were having a great time enjoying that weather and commiserated with our extended families about the historic Arctic Blast (Polar Vortex) of cold that invaded the Midwest and brought even that section of the country to a halt with temperatures of -28 degrees F for our families. Then came February 2nd --  Groundhog Day where Punxsutawney Phil (the little rat) assured us of an early  Spring. The next day (Super Bowl Sunday) it started snowing. It started accumulating and by 10:00 in the evening we were getting some significant inches.  I discovered that my phone has a mind of its own regarding stills and videos!!  So I ended up with lots of teeny videos and no stills. So I can't use the photo taken Sunday evening!
On Monday morning the 4th at 7:30 we continued with the first round of snow until we had a full six inches by the end of the day.
Feb. 4th at 7:40 in the morning - quite a first snowfall of the year,

On the 5th at 1:00 in the afternoon we got a little break and some sunshine!  I planned a work trip up north for the 6th and the roads to the freeway turned out to be a bit of a mess but the highway was clear.  Usually about this time we get those nice warm breezes off the Pacific and soon our snow melts away.  Rather than the typical cycle this time we got more cold and more snow.  A lot of the original snow had melted or settled but round two was on its way.
   My husband woke me up at 2:00 in the morning on the 9th and said I "had" to get up and take a look! A couple of days before he had suggested the same thing but I figured it  would look the same in the morning so what was the rush!  But this time I cooperated - like to do that every now and then.  "Out of My Window I can See" across the row of backyards.
At the same 2:00 AM summons --, across the cul-de-sac.  The large Japanese maple is very weighed down with the snow.  
 Five hours later on the 9th - another brighter view of the soft fluffy flakes. 
 Another view of the front yard 9th at 7:30 AM 
Around the neighborhood on a snow day!
 Since there was no trash pickup that week because of the snow, the whole neighborhood has photos of the garbage cans waiting in vain on the curb.
Another view of  the 9th in the morning
9th - temperature gauge tucked out of the way.  this was at my parents home for decades and it still works very well! 
My Husband's picturesque Weeping Japanese Maple Art 
The snow system kept on coming and our church cancelled services for Sunday because of the steep  hills to try to get up to get to the building AND an even more  precarious concern of stopping at the light at the bottom of the grade when driving back home. So we stayed  home and stayed safe.

By Sunday evening the 10th the blanket had become thicker and thicker - around 10 PM
 10th in the evening -- the snow is not built up from shoveling snow.  The footprints are mostly the dog and cat and occasionally the husband.  It was still snowing!
Feb. 11th in the morning
11th at 5:00PM
11th 7:30 PM - looking at the snow in the driveway waiting behind the car tucked nicely inside the dry garage.  I often say that my favorite room in the house is the garage.  I never have to scrape the windows or get rained on while unloading the groceries. 
 Across the cul-de-sac
 11th -- well look at that.  Super Bowl was over but our Seahawks Wreath was still up!  The only color in this series!  Lots of little icicles hanging there above the wreath.
Feb. 12th at 7:30 AM
Obviously we've had a little melting here and there!
Snow covered backyard view.
 Truck with an all-around berm of snow! 
Pretty much the height of our snow.  A lot of work to remove it!

 12th at 7:PM.  I had been considering the 13th for  my weekly trip north but I think not.  I think this was the full depth of our snowfall.  Just shy of 16 inches in the center and this does not take into account some melting the week before, settling and evaporation.  I put a contract out on Punxsutawney Phil and started hoping for spring. He really is cute but  his job skills are abysmal!

After this things slowly began melting. Actually, was very happy that it stayed chilly and that we didn't have flooding all over the region!  We've done that on occasion too!
The deck had been shoveled off as it began to melt -- 13th in the afternoon.
February 15th - slowly the snow disappears!
The squirrels even seemed to get into the act and created a snow-squirrel of their very own design! This was completely undesigned or touched by human hands.
15th - snowmelt is picking up speed
After ten days I venture out.  The rest of my family had been coming and going but I just worked away with all the heat blowing and coffee dripping in the pot!  Why risk life and limb when you can stay home and get just as  much done. 

 Finally the mossy yard is restored to it's splendor and the regular spring bulbs continue to find their way to the surface with hope for the warmer days ahead.
 Now it's the 22nd and there are more predictions of snow for next week.  I hope the forecast is overblown.  NOO SNOOOOW

This  may be the first time that I EVER recall a February without at least one warm weekend.


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