Saturday, December 07, 2013

Flock of Feathered Friends

  A Goldfinch and a Chestnut Backed Chickadee hanging out together at the heated bird bath.  We keep the water from freezing so they have some place to drink when the water on the ground is all frozen.  We've also had a robin stop by.  Robins look REALLY BIG after these guys. The House Finches haven't stuck around for the photo shoot either!
 A Black Capped Chickadee and a Chestnut Backed Chickadee share the pool.  We love having Chestnut Backed Chickadees Showing up in our yard.  The past two years they have nested in boxes in our trees.
 A Junco with the cute little pink beak and the Chestnut Backed Chickadee take turns drinking and watching out for danger.
 Goldfinch looks a little brighter than usual due to evening sun glinting off the water of the bird feeder and reflecting on his chin.
Black Capped Chickadee and Junco share the space as well. 
We're getting a  new window hummingbird feeder so they can come close again.  The old one has kept slipping off the window recently.  We bring the two main hummingbird feeders that hang in the tree in at night now because they are freezing solid.  This morning at 7 (Saturday) my  husband got up to take the feeder outside and when I got up at 9 (what a great sleep-in) the nectar was almost frozen solid again, so I traded out the feeders. 
It has stayed melted this afternoon but will likely freeze again tonight. We worry about the hummingbirds when we have to leave early on really cold days and can't get back to change out the feeders when we know the will likely freeze again. They have to eat so much to keep alive when it is really cold and we don't want to let them down!  There is something to be said for our rainy northwest winters!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

beautiful pictures of the birds.