Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Spring Fever" poem by Dora Lindsay

Perfect description of how I feel today. Good dose of Spring Fever! Oh, to just sit in the sun and relax all day or read a book. Took my hour of fun (finding and scanning this poem) and now it's back to work. Enjoy ~ Dora wrote this in May of 1924 while living in Price, Utah.


Anonymous said...

Too neat Kathy! Thanks for posting this! What do the words in pencil say? Can you tell? I was able to copy it off your post, Yay!
Thanks again,
PS: Sorry to be "anonymous", I can't remember my login right now! Yeah, it's been a while! :)

Anonymous said...

The word in pencil at the end of the line adds "away" to the word pass.

On the bottom I believe it says that it was printed on May 5, 1924. I'm not entirey positive, but they did live in Price, Utah at that time (compared with other letters). I thought you would like this one :-)