Friday, January 20, 2012
The Big Thaw - the end of Snowzilla
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Snowy Feathered Friends
Annas Hummingbird,
Varied Thrush
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Happy Birthday Mom
Snowzilla Reprise
Looking a little bit more like a frosted cake than a bird-bath -- here's our demonstration of how much snow we had in the last couple of days. Of course some has come and gone, but here is today's volume.
Another wonderful day in the Northwest Winter Wonderland. Well, I work from home anyway, so not too much different. BUT it was definitely another great snow day. We woke this morning to news reporters describing the "inches to foot" of snow down south -- more toward Tacoma and West toward Ocean Shores. For a little while we thought maybe the front had come through south of us and we would be spared. But that was not too be. That was good too because since my husband isn't working and therefore isn't making money, he likes to feel that his decision was justified. An hour or so later here came the snow. 
We try to keep our little feathered friends well fed during days like this. We had to bring the humming bird food in mid-day for a refresher melt. The little guy flew to the first feeder holder which is an "umbrella" with a hook for the feeder to hang upon. No food. He then flew to the other side of the tree for the second feeder - no food. Last, he flew to my office window feeder - no food. Well, not to be completely stymied, he flew back to the first feeder and perched on the hook, apparently waiting for the food to return (which it shortly did :-) ). We have had House Finches, Junco's, Nuthatches, Varied Thrush, Towhee, Pine Siskins, Gold Finches and Hummingbirds around all day. Here are a few of today's residents. We had to put the millet under the ground feeder rather than in it because the food kept getting covered up by snow. They figured it out really quickly however!

This evening the snow turned to freezing rain which makes for a very crunchy, slick surface. Looks like another good morning at home tomorrow. I tried to cancell a doctor appointment scheduled for tomorrow, but the clinic was closed today. I left a message - but they didn't get it as I got home this afternoon (we walked to Blockbuster to return our movies) to a message reminding me of the appointment. I guess those people work from home as well because the clinic was closed! The battery on the camera was dying, hence the darkness of the photo -- but I think the ice on top comes through just fine!
Seattle snow,
snow day,
winter wonderland
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
OK, the northwest is not known for being a great place to drive when it snows. Of course that could be because there are steep hills all over the place. No big flat areas like Ohio where the road does not rise to meet you, but instead lies there flat as a pancake. Besides, we have very little snow removal equipment. But there is no need to worry - some days are just made for staying home. This wasn't one of them, but after running errands - bank, post office, bank again, grocery store, video store and back home now it is time to sit in the room and enjoy the view.
Out of my window I can see. . .well, I actually went outside for the photos so there wouldn't be the glass distortions. It's really fun that these appear to be almost "black and white" photos, but they are not.

What a beautiful day. Unfortunately, my husband's work has all been cancelled, so it is a pricy view. But since it doesn't happen too often it's not too much of a problem. We would not want to have mid-west winters out here. On the other hand, if we did he would probably be adding "snow removal" to his "pruning and garden maintenance" job description.
The birds are eating food like crazy. The humming birds are as cute as ever. Happy snow day!
Out of my window I can see. . .well, I actually went outside for the photos so there wouldn't be the glass distortions. It's really fun that these appear to be almost "black and white" photos, but they are not.
The birds are eating food like crazy. The humming birds are as cute as ever. Happy snow day!
Seattle snow,
winter wonderland
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Life's Voyage

I came across this postcard written from Mary Weber Lindahl to her mother Susan Sherwood Weber on February 28, 1953. Her father had passed away five months before on September 28, 1952. Ella Wheeler Wilcox was a well-loved poet from that area and was a distant relation by marriage to their family (whether they knew that or not, I do not know).
But I thought that now that we have set sail on our voyage through 2012 that this was a good reminder as we face the days ahead that our own choices and perspective can impact the outcome of the events that come. Enjoy and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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