At the end of March my neighbors and I took a road trip to the Redwoods. I think I gabbed about that with a post on Heceta Head Lighthouse in Oregon, BUT the real reason for the trip was to see the Redwoods and the lighthouses were secondary. The five of us do dinner or some variation at birthdays each year, but on the big "0" or "5" birthdays we do something special. what I want to do at my next one is travel to Greece, but that may be a long ways off.

So on a Friday at noon we headed out in my little Mazda5 (appropriately named, now that I think of it since there are 5 of us!). Mary took the photo above and it's such a great view of us heading off on our adventure.
My folks were Jim Reeves fans while I was growing up and while walking through these magnificent woods, I could hear "My Cathedral" in the background of my memory. We also rode a cable car up through the woods and enjoyed a fabulous Native American museum. We walked on the beach and ate every meal out and had latte's across the state. What a fun, fun trip!